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Symbols for Stitches and Knitting Techniques

A classical knit on right side, unless in the pattern description states otherwise. On wrong side so are indicated purl stitch.
A classical purl on right side, unless in the pattern description states otherwise. On wrong side so are indicated knit stitch.
Knit two stitches together through front of loops.
Knit two stitches together through back of loops. Loops pre rotate.
Reduce two purl stitches together.
Purl stitch with slip stitch passed over (from the back). The right needle is brought through the two stitches from the back, the stitches are slipped to the right needle, then they are put on the left needle and reduced together as a purl.
Reduce three knit stitches together (at the front).
Reduce three knit stitches together (at the back). Stitches are turned prior to knitting together.
Reduce three knit stitches together (with the central stitch). Stitches need to be displaced so that the second stitch comes over the first one.
Reduce three purl stitches together.
Yarn over. Take the working yarn by the tip of the right needle from the right back to the left inward. Yarn overs are done for eyelet knitting.
Double yarn over. Wrap the needle twice. Next row, the first yarn over is knitted as a purl, the second one – as a knit.
Backward yarn over. Take the working yarn by the tip of the right needle from the right back outward.
Chain stitch. The working thread is thrown over the needle.
Knitting a yarn over without an eyelet. Take the yarn over by the tip of the right needle from the back.
Knitting a yarn over without an eyelet. Take the yarn over by the tip of the right needle from the back.
Slip a stitch from the left needle to the right one without knitting it. The working thread remains in front of the needle (at the front).
Stitch with a yarn over. Make a yarn over, then slip the stitch without knitting it. The working thread is on the needle.
Stitch with two yarn overs. The stitch and yarn over from the previous row get slipped with a new yarn over.
Stitch with three yarn overs. The stitch with two yarn overs from the previous row gets slipped with a new yarn over.
Knit between stitches.
Increase two stitches out of one. The stitch at the left needle gets knitted twice: first, as a knit; second, not slipping it from the needle, as a purl.
Increase three stitches out of one. Knit the stitch at the left needle as a knit without slipping it from the needle; make a yarn over the right needle (second stitch) and again knit the same stitch as a knit (third stitch).
Make five stitches out of one. The technique is similar to that for three stitches.
Make three stitches from three. The tip of the right needle goes through these three stitches and, taking the working thread, pulls it through them. Without slipping the stitches from the left needle, a yarn over is made for the right needle and the same stitches get knitted once more.

Double knit or a stitch with two wraps. Point the right needle to the stitch as if to make a knit but wrap the working thread twice around the needle. Wrapping is made clockwise. The number may be any: 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. that corresponds with the number of wraps. The thread wrapped around the needle is pulled inward.

Triple long knit or a stitch with three wraps. The technique is similar to that for a double knit.
Double long purl or a stitch with two wraps. Point the right needle to the stitch as if to make a purl but wrap the working thread twice around the needle. The thread wrapped around the needle is pulled outward.
Back-cross two stitches. Knit the second stitch with the right needle from the front side and without slipping the stitches from the needle – knit the first stitch, slipping both stitches from the left needle.
Front-cross two stitches. Knit the second stitch as a knit with the right needle from the back side and without slipping the stitches from the needle – knit the first stitch.
Grab three knits inclined to the right. The 1st and 2nd stitches get slipped to the back onto the additional needle, the 3rd stitch gets knitted, then the stitches from the additional needle.
Grab three knits inclined to the left. The 1st stitch gets slipped to the front onto the additional needle. First, knit the 2nd and 3rd stitches as knits, then the one from the additional needle.
Grab four stitches inclined to the right. The 1st and 2nd stitches get slipped to the back onto the additional needle. First, knit the 3rd and 4th stitches, then those from the additional needle.
Grab four stitches inclined to the left. The 1st and 2nd stitches get slipped to the front onto the additional needle. First, knit the 3rd and 4th stitches, then those from the additional needle.
Grab six stitches inclined to the right. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches get slipped to the back onto the additional needle. First, knit the 4th, 5th and 6th stitches, then those from the additional needle.
Grab six stitches inclined to the left. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches get slipped to the front onto the additional needle. First, knit the 4th, 5th and 6th stitches, then those from the additional needle.
Grab a knit and two purls inclined to the right. The 1st and 2nd stitches get slipped to the back onto the additional needle. Make the 3rd stitch a knit, then the 1st and 2nd from the additional needle – purls.
Grab a knit and two purls inclined to the left. The 1st stitch gets slipped to the front onto the additional needle. Knit the 2nd and 3rd stitches as purls, then the one from the additional needle.
Grab four stitches inclined to the right. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd stitches get slipped to the back onto the additional needle. Make the 4th stitch a knit, then the 1st, 2nd and 3rd – as purls.
Grab four stitches inclined to the left. The 1st stitch gets slipped to the front onto the additional needle, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th stitches get knitted as purls, and then the stitches from the additional needle.
Wrap Stitch. Point the tip of the right needle between the 2nd and 3rd stitches, catch the thread and pull a long stitch which is placed onto the left needle. Then pull the 1st stitch from the group of wrapped stitches into the long stitch.
Left-thrown stitch. Get a stitch (or a yarn over) by the tip of the left needle and pull the two following stitches through it.
Right-thrown stitch. Leave three not knitted stitches on the left needle, take the third stitch (counting from the left) with the tip of the right needle and throw it over the first and second stitches in front of it.
No stitch charted out.
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