Baby boy knitted booties free pattern
We'd like to present you a photo and video tutorial on knitting baby booties using five needles. This design meets all the ergonomics requirements: steady seamless sole, proper width, nothing constrains baby's feet. The booties are easy to put on.
The design is neat, bright and playful at the same time. We recommend these booties for boys, but the design is unisex and may be made for girls if knitted in "girly" colours.
The booties are worked in garter stitch. The cuff is 1x1 rib.
Important! It is easier to knit garter stitch in the round using "granny's" knitting method. Use normal method to knit flat.
The cuff width depends on the model. In our case it is 7cm.
The number of rows necessary for knitting the sole (L) equals the length of foot multiplied by the row gauge. The resulting number should be rounded off to the nearest even number. In our case:
L = 9 x 4,3 = 38,7 ≈ 38.
The number of stitches for each needle (C) equals L divided by 4. The resulting number should be rounded off to the nearest even number. In our case:
C = L / 4 = 38 / 4 = 9,5 ≈ 10.
The number of rounds for the toe (M) equals L - 2C. In our case:
M = L - 2C = 38 - (2 x 10) = 18.
The width of the middle part equals the height of the heel, usually it is about 2-3cm. In our case it is 12 rounds.
The cuff is knitted with blue yarn on 2.5 mm needles. Cast on 10 stitches on each needle and knit 22 rounds in 1x1 rib. The cuff is 7cm wide (22 rounds).
Continue knitting the stitches on one of the needles. Knit the toe - 18 rows - alternating blue and light blue yarn every two rows starting and ending with blue colour. Selvedge stitch: purl the last stitch (granny's knitting method) of the row, slip the first stitch of the row.
Continue knitting the middle part of the booties. We need to add stitches from the sides of the toe. Knit the next row with light blue yarn. To make sure all the stitches are light blue, knit the first stitch.
After knitting 10 stitches of the middle part of the toe, add 9 stitches form the left part. Insert left needle into the selvedge stitch (from back to front for both half-loops).
And knit the selvedge stitch.
Pick up and knit 9 stitches from the selvedge stitches (19 stitches total).
Knit all the stitches on other needles. Pick up and knit the stitches from the right side of the toe.
Distribute the stitches on the needles according to the shape of the sole: 10 stitches for the heel and the toe each and 19 stitches for each of the sides.
Purl the next round with the light blue yarn. Switch to blue yarn. Knit garter stitch alternating colors every 2 rounds. There will be 12 rounds total (3 light blue stripes and 3 blue stripes). The middle part should end with a blue stripe.
The sole is knitted with light blue yarn, so you can cut the blue yarn.
Let's move on to knitting the sole. We'll knit from toe to heel, knitting only 10 stitches of the central part and joining stitches from the sides (19 stitches from each side). Knit 9 stitches of the central part, slip the tenth stitch to the right needle and put aside the spare needle without stitches for a while. Slip the last stitch from the right needle to the left and knit two together through the back loop.
Turn work to the wrong side. Slip the first stitch. Knit to last stitch, slip the last stitch. Put aside the spare needle, slip the stitch to the left needle and purl two together (granny's purling method).
Turn work to the right side. Slip the first stitch. Knit the last stitch of the central part and the stitch from the side together through the back loop. Join all the side stitches this way. There are 10 stitches left on two needles.
To bind off, slip the stitches on one needle.
Use the basic bind-off (see photo), but knit two stitches, not one. Or use bind-off shown in the video.
Knit the other booties exactly like the first one.
Video Lesson: How to make Baby boy knitted booties
In this video lesson we show in details how to make a baby boy knitted booties. Our youtube channel is in Russian, but the material understandable and without words and we hope it will be very helpful for you.